Special FX Master is a brand-new Kickstarter project that combines AR Video Technology from your smartphone with some special effects (and physical props). They're currently looking for funding in order to finish developing the Special FX Master app and provide proof of concept so that they can move into full production. 

The SFX Master Kit, which includes 5 props (Blaster, Case, Wrist, Gear, Head Gear, and Poster) is available at the $40.00 funding level.

I've actually tested out a pre-production kit and will be reviewing the props and the app soon. But all spoilers aside...it's a lot of fun. It's like having a fun/silly special effects studio right in the smartphone.


This project will only be funded if at least $20,000 is pledged by Saturday, November 5th 2016 at 12:12 PM EDT.

Remember...this is not a pre-order. There are many instances of crowd funded projects that have been funded never making good on their promised goods. So back with caution.