Plaseebo (Bob Conge) is offering up 3 new one of a kind custom Night Gamers in collaboration with Barry Williams aka Gorgoloid. These will be available from the Plaseebo webshop this Friday July 24th 2015.

Hawaiian Dino-Gamer - $350.00

This one of a kind custom by Barry Williams aka Gorgoloid is a 6-inch tall vinyl mash-up of an M-1 Gorugosu head on the Plaseebo Night Gamer body with hand cast resin arms sculpted by Barry and a Hawaiian paint scheme. Signed and dated by Gorgoloid.

Cotton Candy Night Gamer - $400.00

This one of a kind custom by Barry Williams aka Gorgoloid is a 7-inch tall Plaseebo vinyl with hand cast resin arms sculpted by Barry and inset taxidermy eyes. Signed and dated by Gorgoloid.

Aurora Belly Night Gamer - $700.00

This one of a kind custom by Barry Williams aka Gorgoloid is a 9-inch tall vinyl mash-up of a Plaseebo Night Gamer head on a glow in the dark M-1 Gorugosu body, with red glass eye inserts and filled with a number of motion activated color-changing LED units. Signed and dated by Gorgoloid.