
Bigshot Toyworks has taken to Kickstarter in an attempt to get their The Four Horsies of the 'Pocalypse line produced. Those horses include Calamity (Pestilence), Raven (Famine), Clash (War), and Ghost (Death).

This next-generation of doombringers are on a mission to destroy the Earth, but to do so, they'll have to beat the likes of Queen Chroma and her rainbow sprite army! Too bad they can’t crack teamwork to save their lives. Led by Maddie (an older sister type with an affinity for destruction, funded in our last Kickstarter), these would-be Champions of Chaos are desperate to show their parents they've got what it takes to inherit the legacy. Cake and ice cream for eternity? Not if these freaky fillies have anything to say about it!

Backing reward include getting The Four Horsies of the 'Pocalypse figures in three different color ways (OG, Clear, or GID), Four Horsies apparel, stickers, accessories, etc. Picking up a set of the four figures starts at the $100.00 funding level.

This project will only be funded if at least $60,000 is pledged by Wednesday, February 18th 2015 at 8:30 PM EST.