RCrumb Hup 1 2

The Official R.Crumb Site has announced the release of Crumb's Hup #1 and Hup #2 comics books. Part of a four series collection (Hup 3 and Hup 4 will be released next month), these comic books, written and drawn back in the early '80s, have been out of print for many years. They can be purchased for $5.00 each.

Hup 1 starts with the Ruff-tuff Cream-Puffs as they Take Charge! Crumb amazingly predicts the Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld Administration, which occurred some twenty years after he drew the piece. Next Crumb brings back Mr. Natural! Then the famous My Troubles with Women Part 2 follows that and Crumb finishes with Mr. Natural's return, but only this time with Cheryl Borck, the Devil Girl!

Hup 2 presents The Mighty Power Fems, Crumb's x-rated satire of super hero comics. Next is his hilarious If I Were King, finishing off with the continuation of Flakey Foont's obsession with The Devil Girl in The Meeting. Who could blame him?