Executive Replicas (with Go Hero) and Phicen have teamed up to present the first ever sixth scale figure of the sultry masked heroine known as...The Domino Lady. Currently only available via pre-order, look for this figure to retail around $150.00.
Created by "Lars Anderson", The Domino Lady is a masked pulp heroine first appearing in a 1936 issue of Saucy Romantic Adventures. The Domino Lady is really University of California, Berkeley-educated socialite Ellen Patrick. When her father, District Attorney Owen Patrick, is murdered she puts on a domino mask to avenge him. She is armed with .45 pistols, a syringe full of 'knock-out' serum, and her beauty. The Domino Lady charms, outwits, and allures her adversaries. She is known for stealing from her targets and donating the profits to charity, (after a modest cut for herself), and leaving a calling card that reads - 'Compliments of the Domino Lady'.
For wholesale inquiries, contact DKE Toys.