Monstrehero Axeface Warchiefs

Axeface, the Scourge of Pre-History, has enlisted his brethren to combat their arch-foes, the skeletal Skullminions! The disparate Axeface clans have sent the Warchiefs in response to his call. The Warchiefs combine ruthless cunning and wizardry with countless years of experience. Each of their War Swords is unique, forged from the blood and ashes of their vanquished foes and tempered with rage and magic. Their cloaks denote their rank in Axeface society and tell a story of their feats.

Monstrehero will be released their resin Axeface Warchief figures today (November 1st 2013) at Noon ET. Each one is completely unique and comes with a removable cloak and War Sword. They stand 4" tall and feature articulation at the arms and waist. And you'll be able to pick one up for $85.00.