After supporting's Masters of the Universe Classics line for the last five years, I've decided not to renew my Club Eternia subscription. I couldn't pinpoint one specific thing that has led me to this decision, but I can give you a pretty convincing list.

1. Prices have jumped. In 2010, it ran $30.92 (shipping and tax inclusive) to purchase one figure. In 2013, that amount has skyrocketed to $37.26. That a 20.5% increase in price over three years.

2. Their shipping is atrocious. With the $9.90 you pay towards shipping and handling, Matty has chosen USPS Parcel Select. This means that East Coast collectors will likely have to wait in excess of 10 days from they are charged until the package arrives on their doorstep.

3. They're scraping the bottom of the barrel, character-wise. Out of a 12-month cycle,  you're likely to get 5 or 6 figures that you might actually want. Mattel is notorious for including She-Ra characters you've never heard of or slight variants of MOTUC figures you already probably have in their Club Eternia subs.

4. Club Eternia scare tactics. It seems that every year, MattyCollector is threatening to shut down their Masters of the Universe Classics line. Either they get a set number of subs or no one will get their toys and the line will cease to exist.

So how could win me back? They'd have to start by revealing every figure that will be included in the yearly Club Eternia sub before I subscribe. While purchasing blindly might not be bad for one $10 toy, investing $500+ a year on a blind series is tough. Secondly, either get my package to me sooner or lower the shipping rate. And thirdly, listen to your customers. Rather than alienating folks who have supported you for years, give them some input as to the future of the line and the figures that should be produced.