Plaseebo burgerking 5

"The Burgerking" figure from Plaseebo will be offered by lottery. This is a one of a kind piece is based on a new sculpt by Bob Conge. It is a massive 5" x 6" x 10" high hand cast resin figure that has red glass eye inserts, fabric remnants and an internal motion activated LED unit. It also comes with a hand cast dump accessory.

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If you would like a chance to purchase "The Burgerking", send an email to: with your name and address by Wednesday April 17th 2013. The winner will be notified on Thursday April 18th. You'll then be able to purchase the signed and dated piece for $1,450

Background Story:

The Burger King
A fable for America
copyright Bob Conge 2013

Looking back, it is difficult to grasp Sumner only weighed a bit over 3 pounds at birth and one might wonder if overcompensation played a role in his development as neither his mother or father broke five feet or weighed nighty pounds soaking wet.

It was touch and go at first and Mr and Mrs Forward were overjoyed when they were finally able to bring little Sumner home after spending the first fifteen weeks of life in a glass case at the neonatal unit of Strong Memorial Hospital. Being their only child, they wanted him to grow up big and strong. To that end they just could not feed Sumner enough morning, noon, night, and often in between.

BIG he got, by the age of twelve, at 476 pounds and six foot eleven, he was too big to return to school in the fall. His education over, Sumner got a job flipping burgers at the local McDonalds a few blocks from his house where he slipped himself a burger for every one he cooked. Two hundred or more on a good day. By the following Spring, when Sumner was fired for stealing, he was eight feet ten and weighed 923 pounds.

Hungry all the time, Sumner's habit of biting his fingernails progressed to nibbling bits of flesh off his fingers till bone would show through here and there. With both of his parents working three jobs each they could not keep up with the grocery bills.

Sumner not only ate his parents out of house and home, when the fridge was finally empty, he ate them as well. And then the mailman and three of his neighbors coming home late at night. In the end he was too large to get out of the house and his finger nibbling eventually escalated, leading his all consuming habit to become his own demise.

The moral ? It would seem Zappa was right so many years ago when he said, "you are what you eat !"

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