Oliver Bootleg Ninjas 1

We've written about Oliver Ocampo before. His Oliver Makes Dolls site had some rather interesting handmade plush designs. Apparently, original ideas are hard to find in the world of Oliver, as since that time...he's decided to simply bootleg other artists' designs.

Oliver Bootleg Ninjas 3

It's somewhat amusing (although I'm sure not at all amusing for Shawn Smith and Shawnimals), but you can see how he progressed from "sorta" copying Ninjatown designs to just downright bootlegging them. Although Oliver says that "patterns created by and for Oliver Makes Dolls are done with the help of inspirations and designs".

Oliver Bootleg Ninjas 2

It's just shameful to attempt to pass off other artists' ideas and hard work as your own. I've covered stories like this often, and I still don't understand how someone believes they can get away with copying another artist's work. Oh...and Oliver Makes Dolls runs "plush making workshops". I'd suggest a catchier name...something along the lines of "Bootleg Bonanza 3".