monster kolor artist series

Monster Kolor has announced their new “Artist Series” of paints. The debut lineup features colors from the Sucklord, Todd Robertson (Mecha Virus), and Mark Nagata (Max Toy Co).

The first round of paints are:

Suckadelic: Robot Foreskin, Hot Jizz, Immortal Hemorrhoid, Gay Empire, and Robot Diarrhea in a 5 color set

Mecha Virus: "Mecha" Super Flake Silver

Max Toy Co: Eyezon Yellow, and Captain Maxx Red

Matt Walker of Monster Kolor has worked closely with each of these influential artists to develop colors that represent their personal styles. Each color is something they use when producing their awesome toys. In addition to the colors themselves, each artist has designed their own custom Monster Kolor label for their colors.