NOTM Feroshi 1

Feroshi the Dino Slug is the last Ninja of the Month for 2011. Shawnimals will be releasing this plush on Wednesday December 7th 2011 at 1:00PM CST.

"Who ever will save Ninjatown in its darkest hour?! Feroshi the Dino Slug, of course! But not because he’s really that noble. Instead, it’s because the Ninjas haven’t dropped by lately with the usual sweet offerings, and this simply does not work for Feroshi. Like, at all."

For only $30.00, you can pick up a 7" x 7" plush Feroshi that's limited to 100 pieces. Each plush includes three sweet and spicy wasabi puffs, a character sticker, and a character button.

NOTM Feroshi 3 NOTM Feroshi 2