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Their first release from Stuffless consists of three horror-related plush characters known as the Scared Stuffless line. These three characters mirror some of the most iconic images from horror lore – a vampire, a werewolf, and a zombie.

All three plushies are given funny names: Bram Poke-Her, Wolfman Puck, and Dead Ted. Each character is given its own little background story, which can be found on the Stuffless website. And while I would love to reprint them here...they are rather lengthy.

For purposes of our review, Stuffless has sent along Dead Ted.

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The Facts

Dead Ted Zombie Plush
Series: Scared Stuffless
Manufacturer: Stuffless
Material: Plush
Dimensions: 17.5” tall

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The tag is very simple. It features the Scared Stuffless logo and a website. There should be no need to contemplate whether or not to snip the tag off.

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Our Opinion

It appears to be a dead heat between Zombies and Vampires for the hearts (and brains) of today's youth. I would give the edge to Zombies, since The Walking Dead - by far - bests Twilight. With Halloween sneaking up on us, you are bound to see plenty of undead children making their way through your neighborhood in search of candy. I'm going to guess none of them will be donning a Dead Ted outfit, but some might come close.

The first thing you'll notice is that the Dead Ted plush features a number of different materials. Most plush toys aren't that complex, but Stuffless has a lot going on with this zombie. They make good use of vinyl, with many of the wounds being vinyl transfer decals.

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The shirt and pants are sewn separately. There are no stitches on the edges of the shirt and pants, so I wonder how they will hold up in time. And there's the spine, shown through the back of the shirt, as well as poor Ted's severed feet (yeah, a bone is seen protruding through one leg).

The face looks pretty good. I'm not sure if I like the teeth, but the flap of felt used for the lower lip works well. There's also that big gaping wound with some brains seeping out (the brains feel like a polyester material). But the most entertaining aspect is that you can pop Dead Ted's dangling eye in and out of its socket.

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I'm stuck somewhere between creepy and funny on the Dead Ted plush. While I can see kids playing with the vampire and werewolf characters, the zombie is the goriest of the trio. Zombie collectors will love Dead Ted, especially with that $19.99 price tag. I would have guessed $30 at the least for a plush of this size and quality.

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You can pick one up at the following: $19.99

Dead Ted Grades

Plush Quality: 9/10
    Stitching: 8/10
    Material: 9/10
Softness: 6/10
Packaging/Tag: 5/10
Cuteness: 6/10
Fun Factor: 9/10
Value: 9/10

Overall: 8.9/10

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