max toy Kaiju Negora 1

Max Toy Co has released a pair of new vinyl kaiju figures.

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From Konatsu x Max Toy comes the Kaiju Negora. This is the first USA fully painted edition, with each piece being cast in white vinyl by Master Vinyl Caster Shimizu-san and hand painted in Japan. The Kaiju Negora includes the Big Fish vinyl. You can pick one up for $40.00 each (plus shipping and 8.5% sales tax for CA residents).

max toy Mini Kaiju Drazorus 1 max toy Mini Kaiju Drazorus 2

From Mount Kobo x Max Toy comes the Mini Kaiju Drazorus. This figure is hand painted by Japanese Master artist Tsutomu Masuyama and cast in Flesh vinyl by Master Vinyl Caster Shimizu-san. You'll be able to purchase this figure for $40.00 each (plus shipping and 8.5% sales tax for CA residents).