foox organ donors

David Foox will be heading to New York Comic Con 2011 with a number of exclusives - for a number of signings. Here are the signing times that you'll be able to  FOOX at each respective booth and the exclusive item for that booth:

1xRUN: Booth 874
FOOX will be signing on October 14th from 1:00PM to 2:00PM
Exclusive: Large size Chinese Money (purple rabbit)

Metro Orange: Booth 1167
FOOX will be signing on October 14th from 2:30PM to 3:30PM
Exclusive: Organ Donors Meet the Jawas (2 print series)

Tenacious Toys: Booth 876
FOOX will be signing on October 14th from 4:00PM to 5:00PM
Exclusive: Organ Donors keychains

Art Whino: Booth 889
The FOOX signing time and date are to be announced
Exclusive: Chinese Money sheets (small edition)