uglydolls cookie dream babo

As we approach San Diego Comic Con 2011, we're beginning to find out exactly which SDCC Exclusives we will want to pick up. The Uglydoll booth will be rocking as always. And, this year, they'll have the elusive Cookie Dream Babo.

Here's how David Horvath (<-- his new site link) describes the Ugly:

When Babo sleeps, he dreams of cookies, but when he wakes up, he has even bigger dreams.

What are your dreams?

See that building over there? See that car? That road? That lamp? That all came from an idea in someone’s mind. So when they tell you it’s all in your head, smile as wide as Babo does, because you’re on your way. Babo may be a dreamer, but he knows the dreams become real through action. So now it’s time to wake up and eat the cookie.