pardee Vertigo Round 1

Zerofriends and Alex Pardee have released a trio of prints from his "Vertigo" show that took place at Corey Helford Gallery last month. The Vertigo Series #1 limited edition Giclee prints were all inspired by the famed Nightmare Hunter Verti Parker, and each one includes an additional 8" x 10" print. You can pick up these prints for $60.00 each.

pardee TheLuring

"The Luring Funayurei" print measures in at 17" x 22" and is a limited edition of 100 pieces. It also includes the additional 8" x 10" print featuring the story of "The Luring Funayeuri" written by Alex Pardee.

pardee IceCream

"The Aroma" print measures in at 22" x 17" and is a limited edition of 100 pieces. It also includes the additional 8" x 10" print featuring the story of "The Aroma" written by Alex Pardee.

pardee Cynaphobia

The "Cynaphobia" print measures in at 17" x 22" and is a limited edition of 100 pieces. It also includes the additional 8" x 10" print featuring thestory of "Cynaphobia" written by Alex Pardee.