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Trading cards have had a little bit of a revival in the designer toy community. With series like The Art Hustle, Suckpax and Star Wars Galaxy, you're seeing more crossovers and/or series featuring designer toy artists. The one we're going to take a look at here is the Suckadelic Action Art Card Series 2 aka Suckpax Series 2.

This series of trading cards features all things Suckadelic and is produced by SideKick Lab. Whatever The Sucklord felt like photographing and putting on a's in there. Each pack contains seven cards and a stick of faux gum. The numbered cards have artwork/photos on the front and interesting facts on the back.

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The Facts

Suckpax Series 2
Manufacturer: SideKick Lab

Artist: The Sucklord
Edition Size: 200 boxes/24 packs per box/7 cards per pack

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The outer box is set up like most trading card boxes. The top flips up to create a nice display featuring The Sucklord character. Each wax pack will send you back twenty years in time. The same design on the outer box is on the front of the pack. The back of the pack features details on how to can get your very own Suck-Decoder.

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Our Opinion

Even before you open up a pack, the first thing you notice about the Suckpax is an almost overpowering bubblegum smell. When you open up a pack, you realize that this big stick of gum isn't really gum, but a Suckadelic branded piece of faux gum. You're obviously not supposed to eat this, since it tells you "You're An Asshole For Chewing This".

The cards range from interesting to entertaining to disturbing. I'll start out by stating...these aren't for kids! I came across one card that featured The Sucklord checking out his favorite porn site. But for every disturbing card, there are several others that show off old Suckadelic figures and give you information that you wouldn't have known otherwise.

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The series also includes "Special" cards, Artist Sketch Cards, "random surprise shit", and other things The Sucklord wants to be a surprise. There's also a special Suck-Decoder that you can mail away for - for 25 Kickback Points - which unlocks Secret Messages.

OVERALL: The Suckpax cards are obviously made for fans of Suckadelic. If you like The Sucklord's figures, you'll like the trading cards. I think you also might need an open sense of humor, as some folks might be offended by some of the content. Personally, I'm a fan of The Sucklord's work, so I'm digging the Suckpax Series 2.

You can pick these up at the following: 5 Packs - $25 or Full Box - $120

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