contest overkill ickmonster family

Yes, it's Day 10 of Plastic and Plush's 12 13 Days of Xmas Giveaways and we're giving away something you can't get anywhere least not now. We've teamed with the one and only Mad Joe Customizer from Overkill Creations to give one lucky winner the entire handmade resin Ick Monster Family (mom, dad and baby)...and to win them, we're asking you to:

Follow both of the below twitter names and just shoot us a hello tweet

There are two ways to enter (enter both ways to double your chances):

1. Leave a comment on this post
2. Send a Tweet to @plasticandplush and @overkillmadjoe

This contest runs:

FROM: December 19th 2010 at 10:30 AM EST
TO: December 20th 2010 at 10:30 AM EST
December 20th 2010 at 8:30 PM EST