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David + Sun-Min and Pretty Ugly have been releasing new Uglydolls at breakneck speed in 2010. One of those new releases is the bright green Mij Ugly. In addition to being the buggiest-looking Uglydoll we've seen, she might have the longest background story of any Ugly.

Mij and her brother Tutulu might need your help with certain issues they are having revolving around what belongs to who and what not. See, while they get along great most of the time, when it comes to your love and undivided attention, they need to know whose side you’re on. Mij thinks you should side with her because she’s the most giving, the loudest with the capacity to be the quietest when need be? (like in the library, back of the car, when climbing up ski slopes, etc) and Tutulu is just plain loud with no real form of self control to draw from. Fact, Mij is all about self control, wants to control you all by herself! Wait no, that didn’t come out right. What she means is, maybe all three of you can hang out together and she’s got dibs on the seat next to you. Wait, what? Something like that.

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The Facts

Series: Uglydolls
Manufacturer: Pretty Ugly
Artist: David + Sun-Min
Material: Plush
Dimensions: 2 Foot – 24”; Regular – 14”; Little – 7”; Clip-on - 4”

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As I previously stated, Mij might have the longest background story of any Uglydoll. It nearly fills up the entire inside panel. You'll also get an illustration of the character.

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Our Opinion

It could be the shade of green or the antennae, but doesn't Mij sorta look like a praying mantis? She definitely looks like some kind of bug. I swear I see things like her congregating around my outdoor lights in the summertime.

Mij is a lime green plush with bright pink eyes. She has two curved, yellow teeth and the traditional Ugly straight line mouth. Her feet are slightly curved, with arms that branch out into hands. The really unique aspect of the character are her ears. They look like a pair of large antennae.

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Mij brings the regular Uglydoll quality, which means that you won't find stray strings or open seams on this plush. That's pretty good, because this pattern has some strange corners on the hands and ears.

OVERALL: Character-wise, Mij is probably in the bottom half of the 2010 Uglydoll class. I do like the colors used, but Mij just isn't as cute as some of the Ugly characters we've recently seen. That being said, if you're an Uglydoll know you're going to pick one up.

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You can pick one up at the following: $50.00 - $20.00 - $10.00 - $6.00

Uglydoll - Mij Grades

Plush Quality: 9/10
    Stitching: 9/10
    Material: 9/10
Softness: 8/10
Packaging/Tag: 7/10
Cuteness: 7/10
Fun Factor: 9/10
Value: 9/10

Overall: 8.5/10