Gabes NiteGmers

PLASEEBO is pleased to be able to offer this is a very special edition of 5 custom Halloween Night Gamers recreated by the ultra-talented customizer Nervis Wrek. Each of the figures is a unique, one of one, hand sculpted and painted piece signed by Nervis Wrek. Available through the Plaseebo web-shop on October 30th 2010, these are approximately 8'' high and will run $450.00 each. They'll be the center of anyone's collection.

Gabes Nitegmer a 1 Gabes Nitegmer a 3 Gabes Nitegmer b 1 Gabes Nitegmer b 3

As many of you know Halloween is the favorite holiday of shape-shifters and the Night Gamers are no exception. Wilber and Orvil look forward to All Hallows Eve all year. It is, after all, the one night they can move about among the rest of us unnoticed. In January, they went to visit Nervis Wrek in his studio in Phoenix to get some ideas of what they might be for Halloween this year. The Grand Master of Monsters did not disappoint, in fact, he blew Wilber and Orvil's minds with so many awesome designs, it took them almost 8 months to narrow it down to five possibles from which they will choose on October 31st.

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