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One of the biggest hits (and surprises) of San Diego Comic Con 2010 was the Uglyhat. There was a very limited run of Blue and Pink Ice-Bat Uglydoll Hats made available at the show. But they were such a hit that they've released the Uglyhat upon the masses...and just in time for the beginning of Autumn.

Wait so you don't have this hat already? If you're reading this, you either don't don't have this hat , or you're reading this again and you already have it. You know how the teacher would say let's put our thinking caps on? Well this is the other kind of cap. Sort of. In a good way.

See, in the Uglyverse, UGLY means being yourself and expressing your true inner being. So take off your thinking caps and join in on the fun. Yes you...HEY UGLY!

The Facts

Ice-Bat Uglydoll Hat
Series: Uglydoll Hats
Manufacturer: Pretty Ugly
Artist: David + Sun-Min
Material: Knit hat
Dimensions: One size fits most ages 7+
Designs: Blue and Pink

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The tag attached to the Uglyhat is similar to what you'll find on an Uglydoll plush. It features the above reprinted background story and an illustration of your Ice-Bat Uglydoll Hat.

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Our Opinion

I did get both the Pink and Blue Ice-Bat Uglydoll Hats, but my wife snagged the pink one as soon as I returned from Comic Con. They are the exact same pattern, so this review stands true for both colors.

These really were a surprise hit for the Uglydoll crew. I say that because they were a surprise release to's not a surprise that Ugly fans loved them. But, I'm guessing not a lot of people have had a chance to wear these...unless you reside in Alaska.

The Ugyhat is a tight fitting knit cap (I guess depending on your head size). It has the look and feel of a winter hat that your grandma knit for you...if your grandma had style and a sense of humor. The eyes, which are also knit, almost have a bubble look to them.

OVERALL: With the fall and winter months quickly approaching, there's no better way to show that you're an Uglydoll fan than by protecting your noggin with an Uglyhat. I'm expecting – or at least hoping – that with the popularity of the Ice-Bat Uglydoll Hat, that we'll see additional popular Uglys released in Uglyhat form.

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You can pick one up at the following: Blue or Pink - $20.00

Ice-Bat Uglydoll Hat Grades

Quality: 9/10
    Stitching: 9/10
    Material: 9/10
Softness: 8/10
Packaging/Tag: 7/10
Cuteness: 8/10
Fun Factor: 10/10
Value: 9/10

Overall: 9.2/10

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