jay222 skulo group

Bob Conge and Plaseebo are pleased to be able to offer this "Skulloctopus Bedlam" edition as a unique collaboration with JAY222. This project has been in the works for many months. According to Bob, "Jay really killed it, using the basic Skullo figure as his inspirational jumping off point to create all new characters that were lurking in his fertile mind".

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This is an edition of only 10 sets worldwide. Each set includes 2 figures - one Bedlam Skulloctopus and one Linguistic Henchman. All of the figures are hand built customs that incorporate the clear vinyl Skulloctopus figure parts in each. No two are the same.

These will be available from the PLASEEBO web store beginning on Wednesday August 25th 2010.

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Here's the Bedlam backstory:

Bedlam, the home planet of the Skulloctopus from outer space is located in sector J222 . This sector of our galaxy, located near the worm hole Plaseebo, is noted for its intense radiation storms and frequent meteor showers.

Bedlam is a world that far exceeds the classic tower of babel story. For here not only does each member of the species speak a different language, their are so many mutations of the basic genetic make up, that no two individuals look anything alike. Chaos rules here as each resident is in a world of his own, literally a land of eternal outcasts.

The residents of the planet Bedlam would be totally lost were it not for their Linguistic Henchmen. Each of the Bedlamites has their own interpreter who they adopt for a lifetime of service. These little guys, who come from one of the three moons orbiting Bedlam, are literally organic personal computers capable of spontaneous multilingual translation.

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