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You probably remember Stuffed Robot’s Roxybot (if not, we just reviewed her a few weeks back) or their Mellowtron plush. The third plush robot that the company has released is known as Zombot.

Zombot is simply a head. And that would be because he decided to eat his entire body. Obviously…he’s a zombie. Or a zom-bot…because he’s not only a zombie, he’s also a robot.

The Facts

Manufacturer: Stuffed Robot
Artist: Jessie Vogel and Billy Brown
Material: Plush
Dimensions: 7.5" wide
Edition Size: 100 pieces

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Our Opinion

Mellowtron and Roxybot were rather enormous plushies. Each one measures around 31” in height. To put that in perspective…that’s about the size of a toddler. Take my word for it. You don’t need to go around measuring random toddlers at Wal-Mart.

It appears that Zombot uses the same head pattern as the other two plushies. It’s rectangular shaped and uses the same black outlines as the previous bots. The mouth, eye, band-aid and green ooze are all embroidered on the plush.

The character is actually my favorite out of the three – even without a body. I would have liked to see maybe a bloody neck stump coming out of the bottom. He is a zombie, right? But that’s just one of my crazy suggestions.

Price-wise…Roxybot sold for $35 and Zombot is going for $15. You got a lot more for Roxybot, who I believe is under-priced at $35. So, $15 sounds about right for this plush…although I might have tried to get it closer to $10.

You can pick one up at the following:

StuffedRobot.com: $15.00

Zombot Grades

Plush Quality: 9/10
    Stitching: 9/10
    Material: 9/10
Softness: 8/10
Packaging/Tag: N/A
Cuteness: 7/10
Fun Factor: 8/10
Value: 7/10

Overall: 8.5/10