kiss ass

Kick-Ass, the action-adventure movie from Lionsgate and Matthew Vaughn, is a twisted high-octane adventure that redefines the “super hero” genre, based on the popular comic by Mark Millar and John Romita Jr. Mezco will also be offering a plethora of related Kick-Ass merchandise, from magnet sets and water bottles to sticker sheets and shot glasses.

But, what you're really concerned about are the toys. The Kick-Ass 6” action figure (pictured above) comes armed with two billy-clubs, and wearing signature suit and mask. The Hit-Girl action figure features the character in her signature plaid skirt, purple wig and cape. She comes armed with a pair of butterfly knives, and her double Gitano bladed mindy stick.

Look for them to ship in October 2010. Check around, as some retailers are beginning to place them up for pre-order.

it girl