The second of the already released Uglydolls for 2010 - released in January along with Pointy Max - is the ugly alien Picksey. Designed by David and Sun-Min, the character is eerily reminiscent of Mothman and is described as follows:
Picksey is an interdimensional being. He can be in many places at the same time. That explains why you saw several Pickseys at the store you found him in. Pretty neato, huh. Yes well despite his ability, Picksey seems to be stressed out pretty much all the time. What if I’m too early? Too late? What if my other self from another dimension forgets to leave a tip and everyone thinks I’m the stingy one? As you can see, Picksey has a lot on his mind. You may need to help him keep his cool at times.This can usually be achieved through hugs, kisses, and contributions to his chocolate bar fund.

The Facts
Series: Uglydolls
Manufacturer: Pretty Ugly
Artist: David Horvath and Sun-Min Kim
Material: Plush
Dimensions: 2 Foot (24"); Classic (12"); Little Ugly (7"); Keychain (3")
In addition to having the above mini biography printed on the inside of the green tag, Picksey has an illustrated version of the character on the front (and inside) of the four panels. This is your classic Uglydoll tag.
Our Opinion
If you follow the Uglydoll line, you probably know that David Horvath is a little bit obsessed with cryptozoological studies. So, the first thing that came to my mind when seeing Picksey was "that looks like someone bleached Mothman". The wings...antennae...and the glowing red eyes. Yep, it's definitely Mothman.
The character features the traditional circular Uglydoll eyes - in red. He has the straight line mouth, with a single curved tooth pointing downwards. And, of course, he has the antennae and wings that we just mentioned. The color is a little off-white, a little cream. Think of that sweaty gym t-shirt that used to be white and now is the shade of a manila envelope.
While this character isn't as "cute" as some other Uglys, he starts to bridge the gap between some of the vinyl work that David has released in the past few years (Mothman Kaiju for Grown Ups and the Mothman vs. Flatwoods playset) and the Uglydoll line. Now, the inevitable question - "When will we see a black version of Picksey?"
You can pick one up at the following: $6 to $50
Picksey Grades
Plush Quality: 9/10
Stitching: 9/10
Material: 9/10
Softness: 9/10
Packaging/Tag: 7/10
Cuteness: 8/10
Fun Factor: 9/10
Value: 9/10
Overall: 9.0/10