
Revealing the private parts of a public school, the unconventional new comedy series Summer Heights High offers a hilarious and brutally honest look at teenage life, kicking off its eight-episode season Sunday, Nov. 9 (10:30-11:00 p.m. ET/PT), exclusively on HBO.  Series creator and writer Chris Lilley stars in the show, which looks at an average school through the lens of fictional documentary filmmakers.

celebrate, Cornerstone teamed HBO with Mimoco to create a great
1 GB Mimobot flash drive of the character Ja'mie King (one of Chris Lilley's many characters).  They are limited edition (4,000 units) and will not be sold in
stores.  But you have a chance to win one!


Contest Details:

  • Post your favorite high school related movie/tv show in the comments section.
  • Include your email address in the proper field.
  • One entry per person.
  • Open to US mailing addresses only.
  • The contest runs through Saturday, November 8th at 11:59PM EST.