

One of the fairly new vinyl toy companies, BIC Plastics, has hit the ground running with the release of their first vinyl figure – Killa Instinct.  This vinyl piece is a graffiti writer that has been designed by a street artist - Marka27.  That name might sound familiar since his line of vinyl speakers – Minigods – is rather popular.

There will be a pair of parties in early October to celebrate the Killa Instinct release. They will take place at SURU (LA) on October 4th and MyPlasticHeart (NYC) on October 11th.






The figure is packaged in a window-front box (with a window panel on the top as well) with a graffiti theme.  While there’s not much reading material on the box, the artwork is…well…killa.  Inside, the figure is protected in a snapping dual plastic tray.  The bolt cutters and figure’s head are both protected with individual plastic bags.





The Figure

Killa Instinct stands approximately 9.5“ tall by 6.5“ wide and has 6 points of articulation (shoulders, wrists, head and waist).  The figure is designed as your average graffiti artist with a giant spray can exploding out of his back.  And his back literally looks like it has exploded.


That spray can has a removable top, which hides a pair of black spray cans as well as two markers.  Other accessories include a pair of “working” bolt cutters (They do open and close) and a set of removable brass knuckles that say Toys - Kill.

The actual figure is sporting a gas mask that is removable, although it’s attached to the spray can by two plastic coated wires.  I’m sure there’s a way to completely remove it, if you’d prefer staring at the character’s regular face.


Our Opinion

If Killa Instinct is any indication of what BIC Plastics has planned for the vinyl toy world, our bank accounts better watch out.  This figure brings us back to when designer toys were known as urban vinyl.  Killa Instinct could be the poster child of the urban vinyl genre.

The piece is amazingly sculpted, with the shoes and pants standing out as great examples of the UV look.  Then there is the spray can exploding out of Killa Instinct’s back.  I don’t think it could have been sculpted like that…could it?  It looks like someone used a mat knife and sliced up the vinyl.  Really well done.   And with the top off of the spray can, the figure can double as a pencil holder.

I do find that the figure’s face is unintentionally creepy.  But that’s nothing major because the gas mask Killa Instinct’s sporting is top notch with its clear plastic goggles.  And I like the fact that the bolt cutters work the same as a real pair.  If a really tiny lock ever locks me out of someplace, I now have a pair of really tiny bolt cutters.


You can pick one up at the following:

BIC Plastics: $95.00

Killa Instinct Grades:

Quality: 9/10
Paint: 9/10
Packaging: 9/10
Durability: 9/10
Hype: 9/10
Fun Factor: 10/10
Value: 7/10

Overall: 9.5/10













Have this figure?  What do you rate it?