

I’m not going to pretend that I can speak Japanese.  And when I attempt to use something like Bablefish, it just ends up reading like Nietzsche.  So, I’m not going to attempt to discern the background story of the Skullbox.

Here’s what we do know though.  The Japanese made (and designed) vinyl character is designed by the Japanese-based team Artdenka.  Oh…and it’s straight from hell.



The Skullbox is packaged in what is called the “Hell Box”.  It’s pretty much a square, black box with Artdenka eyeball stickers on it.  Each piece is packaged with a sticker, badge and postcard.


The Figure

The Skullbox is approximately in 3.5" in height and has 7 points of articulation (wrists, arms, legs and waist).  It’s fashioned of rotocast vinyl and made in Japan.

The front of the character has a skull face, which includes a crack through one of its eyes.  The folks from Artdenka say that you can customize the back of the figure and then spin the arms and legs around for a new character.


Our Opinion

The black and white figure’s a little plain in the pantone department.  And it’s also not all that complex.  So why is it that I like this vinyl figure?  Maybe it’s for those exact reasons.

The square head reminds me of the Tofu characters from Devilrobots.  But a square skull and a slab of smelly tofu are clearly unrelated.

When it comes to quality of the figure, it’s fairly impressive.  It doesn’t have the same softness of most Japanese produced vinyl.  But you can tell that it’s of the same class.

The only “technical” issue I see is that the hands will hit against Skullbox’s head.  But that can be avoided by turning the hands before you move the arms.

You can pick one up at the following:

Shoparooni: $39.95

Skullbox Grades:

Quality: 9/10
Paint: 9/10
Packaging: 5/10
Durability: 9/10
Hype: 6/10
Fun Factor: 7/10
Value: 7/10

Overall: 8.4/10





Have this figure?  What do you rate it?