Gary Ham recently released his first self-produced vinyl figure – Carrot Shake Jake. Produced by Superham Designs (his company), the 6” tall orange rabbit has a strong hankering for carrot shakes.
Jake is a unique rabbit. He has giant teeth and tiny feet. He flops when he hops and creates trenches when he walks. His teeth are so big he can’t chew his carrots. He drinks carrot shakes!
The figure is packaged in a predominantly green rectangular box. It has a window pane front which is shaped like a milkshake cup. The interior packaging consist of dual interlocking plastic trays.
As far as reading material and pictures, Gary Ham has that covered. Both sides have drawings of Carrot Shake Jake (one side shows what drinking carrot shakes will do and the other shows the consequences of not drinking them). The rear of the box has background info on the character as well as a handy carrot shake recipe.
The Figure
Carrot Shake Jake is Gary Ham’s first vinyl figure, standing in at 6” tall (with the long ears). If you’re wondering about the piece minus the ears, it’s about 2.75” in height. Each Jake is packaged with 4 different ears, 2 bent and 2 straight. The part of the ear that is inserted into the head is shaped differently for the left and right ears.
This vinyl has no points of articulation and stands by balancing on his large teeth and tiny feet. Carrot Shake Jake is limited to a run of 500 pieces.
Our Opinion
Being a fan of John K and the Spumco style of animation, Gary Ham’s artwork caught my eye. Gary’s Haminals (Animals with Oink Appeal) appear to have been the inspiration for his Carrot Shake Jake vinyl. Could we see more of these characters turned into vinyl figures? I sure hope so.
But let’s talk about the recently released Carrot Shake Jake. The sculpt is somewhat complicated. In order for the tongue and mouth to be sculpted precisely, the upper part of the head was produced separate from the rest of the body. You might be able to see a faint seam along the side and back on the vinyl.
Using the teeth to help steady what would have been a rather top-heavy piece works well. And who doesn’t like choices? Being able to switch out Jake’s ears allows you several display possibilities.
Finally, not only is the vinyl well produced, but the packaging is one of the better we’ve seen. There is a retro feel to front of the box. But there’s also plenty of reading (I might just test out that shake recipe) and a number of drawings of Carrot Shake Jake.
For wholesale inquiries, contact DKE Toys.
You can pick one up at the following:
Superham: $32.00
Carrot Shake Jake Grades:
Quality: 8/10
Paint: 7/10
Packaging: 9/10
Durability: 7/10
Hype: 7/10
Fun Factor: 9/10
Value: 8/10
Overall: 9.2/10
Have this figure? What do you rate it?
Woo Hoo! What a great toy 😀
The store I preordered it from
FINALLY got it in this past week.
It's top heavy so if you put it
somewhere that's likely to get bumped
or if the shelving it's on will get
bumped, then expect it to fall
over. But this is true for soooo
many other toys too (like Mad*Ls,
Rolito's mini figures, Devilrobot's
ToFu characters, Zombiecats, CiBoy's
Stereotype figures, etc.) So if
somehow anyone reading this hasn't
bought some Museum Gel or Museum Putty,
then just run over to The Container
Store and pick some up. It will
last you a long time too. A tub of
the gel only cost me $12.
Visually Carrot Shake Jake pops so
well with its bright orange color
and those massive teeth playing
their part to keep the figure up.
What a great sight it is to see
Jake so upbeat even though he can't
chew food. And he doesn't hold
grudges such as the time he saved
the town from a flash flood after
they treated him as an outcast.
He's the next Rudolph the Rednose
Woo Hoo! What a great toy 😀
The store I preordered it from
FINALLY got it in this past week.
It's top heavy so if you put it
somewhere that's likely to get bumped
or if the shelving it's on will get
bumped, then expect it to fall
over. But this is true for soooo
many other toys too (like Mad*Ls,
Rolito's mini figures, Devilrobot's
ToFu characters, Zombiecats, CiBoy's
Stereotype figures, etc.) So if
somehow anyone reading this hasn't
bought some Museum Gel or Museum Putty,
then just run over to The Container
Store and pick some up. It will
last you a long time too. A tub of
the gel only cost me $12.
Visually Carrot Shake Jake pops so
well with its bright orange color
and those massive teeth playing
their part to keep the figure up.
What a great sight it is to see
Jake so upbeat even though he can't
chew food. And he doesn't hold
grudges such as the time he saved
the town from a flash flood after
they treated him as an outcast.
He's the next Rudolph the Rednose