
As you might know, Cranium WOW is a favorite board game of the folks here at Plastic and Plush.  The game is known for bringing out your "inner artist, actor, singer, champion speller, or all-around genius".  (Thankfully, I don't need much help bringing those qualities out.)  In the WOW version, they've added a number of new challenges (in the four traditional categories) and given us a number of great vinyl movers inspired by the artwork of Gary Baseman.

We're teaming up with Cranium to give away the Cranium WOW edition to 2 lucky people.  Here's what you'll have to do!

  • We're going to ask you 3 questions straight from the game. You'll need to answer all 3 correctly in order to be entered into the random drawing.
  • Email you answers and mailing address to
  • The contest will run through 11:59PM EST on Thursday December 27th.


1. Category: Datahead  Activity: Selectaquest
    Question: Vegemite, the salty sandwich spread, is referred to as which country's national food?
    A) Britain
    B) Venezuela
    C) Poland
    D) Australia

2. Category: Datahead  Activity: Factoid
Question: What woman was the first person to win two Nobel Prizes?

Category: Datahead  Activity: Polygraph
    Question: To see a rainbow, your back must be to the sun.  (T or F)