

Kaiju Eyezon born from a mutant potato now an ally of the evil Alien Xam.  Both sworn enemies of Captain Maxx.  Can Captain Maxx defeat these two powerful monsters?

Max Toy Company’s newest evil kaiju figure is a mutated potato named Eyezon.  Yes, a potato has eyes…and so does Eyezon…plenty of them.  The figure, designed by Mark Nagata, is currently available in the normal (pictured here) and glow-in-the-dark versions.



As is customary with kaiju figures, Eyezon is bagged and carded.  The header and backing cards have artwork of the character (by Nagata) and include the bio snippet from above.  The figure can be displayed out of the bag or hung using the header card.


The Figure

Eyezon is approximately 10.5” in height (with an arm span equal to its’
height) and made of soft, rotocast vinyl.  The normal version has a
yellow base color with orange-red and green airbrushed paints.  Eyezon
has 4 points of articulation (arms and legs).

The figure has 9 open eye(balls) and 17 potato eyes (the little
spikes).  It’s definitely an opposing force and I think he might just
be able to take on Captain Maxx.


Our Opinion

It’s great knowing that Mark Nagata, who is a huge fan of kaiju and
Ultraman, has created an original line of Japanese inspired superheroes
and monster villains.  The hero of the story, Captain Maxx, is actually
modeled after Mark’s son.  And the kaiju villains?  Well…I’m sure he
dreams them up from somewhere.  In this case, maybe he had potatoes for dinner.

Eyezon is a hulking, colorful mass of rotocast vinyl.  Even if you’re
not a huge fan of kaiju characters and figures, how can you not love a
mutated potato…???  It might be interesting to see a colorway that is
closer to the actual color of a potato.  Maybe a brown, white, green
and red color combination.  I think he's a Russet.

You can pick one up at the following:

Max Toy Company: Normal and GID - $50 ea.

Eyezon Grades:

Quality: 9/10
Paint: 8/10
Durability: 9/10
Hype: 8/10
Fun Factor: 9/10
Value: 9/10
Overall: 9.2/10






