As the Designer Toy scene continues to row, as do the number of companion reading material.  Ivan Vartanian has written a new title - Full Vinyl: The Subversive Art of Designer Toys - published by HarperCollins.  Look for it to hit your local bookstore on January 2nd...and read more about the title below:

approximately 400 figures from the world’s leading figure creators, Full Vinyl
presents an omnibus survey of this burgeoning field. Geared toward garage kits,
character figures, subculture figures, limited editions, and extreme figures by
master creators, this book satisfies the appetite of the figure aficionado with
a continuous stream of figures and vast and comprehensive selection. Full Vinyl
covers mass-produced popular favorites (such as Homies), sub-culture figures,
Anime-inspired figures (such as Bome), category-defining “thingies”, Hong Kong
luminaries (such as Eric So and Michael Lau), figures based on the work of
hugely popular artists (such as Gary Baseman or Yoshitomo Nara), and artists
that take figure making to the next level (such as Shinichi