Designed by Craig Anthony Perkins, and produced by Genshi:Toy, the Broken Heart Robot is a unique toy – for reasons we will get into. Since we always love a good background story…how about this one.
On his home planet of Xerbix 319, the Broken Heart Robot was one of the rare robots built without a purpose. Sadden by this, he fled Xerbix 319 and traveled the galaxy to seek out his purpose.
Along the way, the Broken Heart Robot met many interesting characters on various planets, moons and asteroids, and eventually landed on a small planet known as Earth. Though he has yet to find his purpose, he may just find a few new friends to help him with his quest!
The window-front box the BHR comes packaged in is designed to look like his spaceship. It has the story behind the character written on the back.
The Figure
The Broken Heart Robot is a 6” rotocast vinyl figure. He has 5 points of articulation. Each figure has a sad looking face and a broken heart on its chest.
There are currently 4 versions of this figure available – regular, blank (white for customizing), glow-in-the-dark, and the SDCC exclusive clear. The clear plastic figure is actually squishy, which is a nice bonus.
Our Opinion
This figure really breaks the rules – if designer toys had rules.
We’re used to geometrically shaped, symmetrical figures. However, the
Broken Heart Robot is none of these. His neck is a little off
center…one side of his body slopes…
You can see why he’d be sad…with his head always facing the
ground…looking for his calling in life. I think that part of his
sadness might be because he is the "norm". But that's a good thing,
Out of all of the versions, I would suggest the clear one. Although,
it is priced $10 more than the others (since it’s a Comic Con
exclusive). But there really is a version for everyone.
PIck up the Broken Heart Robot at the following shops: - $39.99 (regular version)
Frozen Empire Toys - $36.00 (regular version) $44.00 (GID version)
Panik's Toy Box - $39.99 (regular version) $49.99 (GID version)
Rocket Pop - $35.50 (regular version) $45.50 (GID version)
SDCC version available at the DKE Toys booth!
Broken Heart Robot Grades:
Quality: 9/10
Paint: 9/10
Durability: 8/10
Hype: 8/10
Fun Factor: 8/10
Value: 6/10
Overall: 8.8/10