Play Imaginative’s We All Speak Football Trexi line includes several 10” figures, in addition to the set of 24 3” Trexis. This entire line was created in conjunction with soft drink giant Coca-Cola to celebrate the World Cup. Coke sponsored the series, so you will find their logo on mostly all of the figures. No worries though, as the product placement doesn’t really take away from the designs.
For this review, we received the 10” W.A.S.F. Trexis designed by Touma and Winson Ma/Danny Chan.

The 10” Trexis are packaged in a large window front box. Not only have the artists designed the Trexis, but they also worked on the box design. The themes reflect that of the enclosed Trexi. Also, there is no reading about the figures on the actual box.
The Figure
The 10” Trexis are made of ABS plastic. If you are not familiar with the lingo…this is harder than the soft, rotocast vinyl. (It's also food safe plastic) The top of each figure’s head is removable. You can take of the top of the Trexis’ head to reveal a 3” figure within.
The 10” Touma figure has a unique, 3” Trexi designed by Touma. (Only available with the 10” figure) The Trexi designed by Winson Ma and Danny Chan includes either Winson Ma’s popular 3” monkey Trexi or Danny Chan’s panda design (both from the 3” W.A.S.F. line). Each of these figures is limited to a run of 200 pieces.

Our Opinion
This is my first dealing with the 10” Trexi line. It’s one of the more
popular platform toy lines out there, with a number of designers
lending their artwork. I can see why, as it would be a somewhat
imposing piece in anyone’s collection. Bigger is better, right?
Some folks have expressed problems with Coca-Cola being plastered all
over this line. I think it’s fine…since Coke is sponsoring this line.
The bottles in the form of a jetpack (on the back of Danny Chan and
Winson Ma’s Trexi) are a cool use of the Coke theme.
It’s nice to see that these artists were given the same figure and
directions and came up with such different results. Touma’s Trexi is
almost split into 2 sections. The top focuses on football (soccer for
us Americans) and the bottom has a Coke theme (complete with
carbonation bubbles). The Ma/Chan collab is more character based: a
scary skull on the front; a mean bear-like animal on the back.
If you’re interested in picking up the Touma Trexi or the Danny Chan
and Winson Ma collaboration…you’ll really need to look around for
them. These are hard to come by, since the 10” Trexis were used as
promotional items by Coke (stores, bottlers, etc.).
Touma Trexi Grades:
Quality: 6/10
Paint: 7/10
Durability: 10/10
Hype: 8/10
Fun Factor: 9/10
Value: 6/10
Overall: 7.5/10
Danny Chan/Winson Ma Trexi Grades:
Quality: 6/10
Paint: 7/10
Durability: 10/10
Hype: 8/10
Fun Factor: 9/10
Value: 6/10
Overall: 7.4/10