I'll be posting 10 Questions with... a number of artists who are taking part in the Aim, Destroy, Transform: Play for Change Toy Show , presented by Medialia Gallery & The Ethyr and taking place November 4-25 2017 in NYC.

Artist/Toy Maker: SpellDoctor
Toy: Baron Samedi Juju & Maman Brigitte Juju
Website: www.spelldoctormagic.com
Instagram: @enchanting_spell_maker

Where are you originally from?:
Mixed background - Asia, Middle East & Africa and Europe.

Who is your favorite artist (any artist, any medium)?:
Salvador Dali

What was your favorite toy line as a child?:
Didn’t have store bought toys.

What's your most prized collectible?:
Mayan artifact (small piece depicting a zodiac)

What was the last film you watched?:
Cloud Atlas

Do you unbox and display or keep MIB (mint in box)?:

What was the last book you read?:
Lost book of Enki

Star Trek or Star Wars?:
Star Wars

What motto/creed do you try to live by?:
“Treat ALL in a way you wanted to be treated (that includes animals too)”

What was the inspiration behind the piece that you produced for the Aim, Destroy, Transform: Play for Change toy show?:
Voodoo has a largely undeserved sinister reputation. The irony is that voodoo’s most known features (voodoo dolls for inflicting pain or zombies) have a little to do with its actual practices.