Dreamlets are designed to make us smile, to encourage us to take life a little less seriously, and to remind us that we already have the life we've always wanted...hopefully, their simplicity is contagious.
Each handmade Dreamlet is unique, and designed to withstand the adventures of everyday life. Beans in their bodies give them weight, and high-quality, color-fast fleece fabric make them as durable as they are squeezable. The result is a truly lovable, huggable, and charming friend.
Currently, there are six Dreamlet characters available: beebee, ceecee, stanley, uncle, thinko and qoindo.

The Dreamlets, like most plush, do not have any real packaging. So we will focus on the tag. This tag is a pretty special. It opens up to reveal a special code that you can use to register the plush on the Dreamlets website. This code opens up some special features for you to play around with.
The tag also has a small booklet inside, which features a bunch of info (and photos) of the line. There’s also a little letter to “you” from the plush.

The Figures
Currently, the Dreamlets line consists of six different characters in three different colors: beebee, ceecee, stanley, uncle, thinko and qoindo.

Beebee: Warm & Nurturing
Beebee wants to nurture all of your bits, bring warmth to your day, and sing you to sleep. (10.5” tall by 6” wide)

Ceecee: Fun & Adventurous
Ceecee is always in the mood for adventure; to discover the sweet things in life; to get out and fins a new crack in the sidewalk, etc. (8.5” tall by 6” wide)

Stanley: Simple & Wise
Stanley’s presence can inspire middle day meditations on gratitude, compassion, or maybe even double-decker chocolate sundaes. (6” tall by 7” wide)

Uncle: Wide-eyed & Welcoming
Uncle approaches each moment as a fresh opportunity to see beauty and be astounded. (12” tall by 7” wide)

Thinko: Booksmart & Thoughtful
Thinko is a great reminder to be honest about the things we don’t know, always seek understanding, and ask the questions we are sometimes uncomfortable asking. (10” tall by 10” wide)

Qoindo: Creative & Spontaneous
Qoindo is one of the strangest beings you’ll ever meet. Qoindo reminds us to look for creativity in juxtapositions and disparate ideologies. (10” tall by 6” wide)
Dreamlets also founded 1% For Creativity. They give 1% of their gross revenues to organizations that support creative thought through funding and education.

Our Opinion
In the world of plush toys, you’re usually drawn to one of two things: the character’s look and/or the material it’s made of. While the look of the Dreamlets characters is self-admittedly simple, that look is definitely eye-catching.
Yes…they only really have eyes, arms, legs, a mouth and maybe some teeth…right? But they make the most of those parts. The characters are fun, even if there really are only three different “looks” to the Dreamlets line.
And while it’s more important in the plush realm than vinyl, you need to look at the feel of the piece. These are handmade plushies…even though you don’t see any quality issues you sometimes get with handmade products. They have used many different fabrics, which give you various feels within a single plush toy.
Then they have added an online element. While it’s not exactly Webkinz-esqe, there is room to expand this online experience and bring an aspect that many designer toys might have overlooked.
Overall, it’s one of our favorite new plush lines of the year. Let’s hope the Dreamlets family continues to grow.
You can pick one up at the following:
Dreamlets: $25.00 ea.
Dreamlets Grades:
Quality: 10/10
Stitching: 8/10
Packaging: N/A
Durability: 10/10
Hype: 7/10
Fun Factor: 9/10
Value: 9/10
Overall: 9.3/10
beebee: 9.0/10
ceecee: 9.2/10
stanley: 8.7/10
uncle: 9.5/10
thinko: 9.3/10
qoindo: 9.0/10

Have these figures? What do you rate them?