Day 2 of Giveaways: TYO Toys

It's Giveaway Day 2 for Plastic and Plush's 12 13 Days of Xmas Giveaways. Today, we're teaming up with TYO Toys to give away a pair of excellent prizes. First off...we suggest you go Like TYO on Facebook at Prize #1: 8" SKUF...

Day 1 of Giveaways: Infectious

Day 1 of our (now) 13 Days of Giveaways is sponsored by the good folks at Infectious. We've been holding on to this prize for a while, looking for the perfect time to give it away. Luckily, you now have a shot at winning this 18" x 24" Che Art Print from artist Frank...

Plastic and Plush: 13 Days of Giveaways

We've got something big planned for the month of December. Spanning the next 24 26 days, we're going to be giving away some great prizes. On twelve thirteen of those days...we're going to announce the prizes. On the other twelve thirteen days...we're going to announce...

CONTEST: Thanks So Much!

We're going to be teaming up with Crazy Label to give away a 5" tall vinyl Ren as well as a 3" tall Plush Treeson Clip-On to one Grand Prize Winner and a Plush Treeson Clip-On to one runner-up. All you need to do is comment on this and Tell Us What You're Thankful...

CONTEST REMINDER: Monster Workshop

Here's a reminder that there are under two weeks left in our contest with Monster Workshop. The competition runs until Sunday June 13th 2010. And all of the details are available here. But here are some inspirational photos - and can win a handmade...

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