Toy a Day Contest – 2009: Day 4

I know what you were thinking...Day 4 is coming to a close and no contest yet?!?! Well, we made it in under the gun (on the east coast, at least). And Strangekiss has a special for fans of the following: Kozik, plush, rabbit and smoking. Not in that specific order....

Toy a Day Contest – 2009: Day 3

We're working with Strangekiss to give away a ton (well maybe only 20 pounds or so) of toys. And can enter to win the Clutter Dunny from Kidrobot's Dunny Series 5. Here are the rules: Add a comment to this post (and include your email address on...

Toy a Day Contest – 2009: Day 2

For Day 2, we're (thanks to Strangekiss) giving away a Lucha Libre Sequential Art Magazine #5. The 56 page long magazine is recommended for ages 15 and above (I'm guessing graphic content). I would suggest entering only if you can read. Here are the rules: Add...

Toy a Day Contest – 2009: Day 1

Yes! It's that time of the year again. We're teaming up with Strangekiss to give away a toy a day. Last year, it lasted 15 long will we give away free toys this year? You'll just have to tune in every day.Today, we'll be giving away one of...

Hidden Poe Contest Winners

We asked you to submit your hidden Uglydoll photos for a shot at winning a Hidden Poe, and you did not disappoint! We chose our 5 favorite photos, who will all win a Hidden Poe Uglydoll courtesy of the fine folks from Pretty Ugly.  The winners are (in order of...

CONTEST: Win a Custom Star Trek Bunk Bot

Jason Hilbourne has customized a quintet of his Bunk Bot plushies to resemble the crew of the Star Trek Enterprise. And we'll be giving away (from left to right) the Spock, Scotty, Kirk, Bones and Uhura customs to five lucky readers. Each winner will receive one...

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