Green/Purple Milky Karakasa Tattoo Man Release

Green/Purple Milky Karakasa Tattoo Man Release

Toy Art Gallery will be releasing a new edition of the Secret Base x Three Tides Tattoo x Toy Art Gallery's Karakasa Tattoo Man. This Green/Purple Milky edition features intricate decal work on the arms, legs and face on clear vinyl. The figure stands 7.5 inches tall....

Poultry Rex Monochrome Edition

Toy Art Gallery has dropped release details for the Poultry Rex Monochrome Edition, a new factory-painted collaboration between TAG and pop art visionary Ron English. Standing in at 8 inches in height, with articulation at the arms, tail and feet, this...
Devilman Broken Bones Release

Devilman Broken Bones Release

Toy Art Gallery will be releasing a new painted release of Splurrt's Broken Bones. The Devilman Broken Bones figure is cast in a teal soft vinyl and factory painted with red, black and blue sprays.. The piece stands 5 inches tall and features three points on...
Red/Yellow/Blue White Karasasa Tattoo Man

Red/Yellow/Blue White Karasasa Tattoo Man

Toy Art Gallery has a new edition of the Secret Base x Three Tides Tattoo x Toy Art Gallery's Karakasa Tattoo Man. The Red/Yellow/Blue White Karasasa Tattoo Man features intricate decal work on the arms, legs and face on white vinyl and stands in at 7.5 inches tall....

Baphomaniac Enchanted Evil Edition

Toy Art Gallery will be releasing a new edition of Martin Ontiveros' Baphomaniac tomorrow (Friday July 27th 2018) at Noon PT. Sculpted by David Arshawsky of Turtlemilk Studios, The Baphomaniac Enchanted Evil Edition is cast in teal soft vinyl (with a factory...