Background In 1982, the Walt Disney Company released a revolutionary film that garnered positive reviews, but also a cult following. TRON starred Jeff Bridges as computer programmer/hacker Kevin Flynn. Flynn, who is attempting to find proof that several video games he...

Tonner Doll + Marvel

Tonner Doll Company has announced that they will be teaming up with Marvel to create 16" to 17" tall articulated character figures based on classic Marvel Comics characters. Robert Tonner, CEO of Tonner Doll said "We are looking at all of the classic characters like...

Day 5 of Giveaways: Winner

We'd like to thank Tonner Doll Co. for providing this great Tron: Flynn Tonner Character Figure for Day 5 of our giveaways. And the winner of this figure is.... @smack6102 Winner...please email us through the Contact Us page.

REVIEW: Mirana – The White Queen

Background Tonner Doll Company, which has the license for Walt Disney Pictures Alice in Wonderland, has released and/or revealed several Tonner Character Figures based on the main characters from the film. One of those characters, who has found her way into...

Flynn Tonner Character Figure

Well...we have a release date for Tonner Doll Company's Flynn figure from their Tron license, which is from the original Tron film - celebrating its 28th anniversary. The head sculpt is based on the likeness of actor Jeff Bridges. Look for the figure to begin shipping...

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