Kabuto Mushi…now in packaging

The God Beast has unveiled some photos of his Kabuto Mushi customs all packaged up. It looks like a lot of effort and hard work went into creating this packaging. It appears that they are in plastic cases with a long header card (shown below) featuring three...

Prometheus Rising Studios’ Ceekoar Release

Prometheus Rising Studios will be dropping their Ceekoar custom Glyos series on Saturday January 29th 2011 at 8:30PM EST. There will be five figures available - a Sarvos, three Gendrone battle units, and a Phanost. Each figure is painted fully with Monster Kolor and...

First 2011 Callgrim Launch

Jesse over at Callgrim has announced that their first launch of the new year will take place on Wednesday, January 26th 2011 at 8PM EST. The lineup looks like this: 6 standard figures, 3 special builds and 2 Armodocs. He'll also be updated the site with more info,...

Glyos Ceekoar Custom Release

Prometheus Rising Studios has a new custom Glyos series ready to drop in a few weeks. It uses Onell's recent build-centric releases and Axis Joints. They've also been hit up with a sick Monster Kolor paint job. Over the next two weeks, Ben, from PRS, will be dropping...

Infection 2.0 and Scarab Warrior

The God Beast is one busy man. These are the new thermo Infection 2.0 and Scarab Warrior heads. The Scarab Warrior is blue when cool and white when hot, while the Infection 2.0 are black when cool and red when hot. Who doesn't love color changing?

Onell x RealXHead Sarvos Mini

Onell Design has announced the first new figure of 2011 - a Sarvos Mini. It's a collaboration with Mori Katsura, master of RealXHead, and will be the first official release of the Sarvos mini head sculpt that is not a pack in (only the very first GITD super crossover...

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