Yaws Tuttz 2012

Tonight (Thursday June 14th 2012) at 9:00PM ET, Argonaut Resins will be releasing a new custom Tuttz from artist Clinton Yaws. He decided to go with a King Tutankhamun sarcophagus theme, which he describes below.

The head is done after the mummy mask of Tutankhamun. Below on the breast is a winged scarab pectoral representing the god Khepri, the rising sun, pushing the sun disc above the horizon. The left side contains the white vulture image of Nekhbet, the right the image of Uraeus is a symbol for the goddess Wadjet, who was one of the earliest Egyptian deities and who often was depicted as a cobra. Combined they are know in Ancient Egyptian texts as, Two Ladies, the deities who were the patrons of the Ancient Egyptians and worshiped by all after the unification of its two parts, Lower Egypt, and Upper Egypt. The tail is painted as the crook from the burial coffin.

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