kidrobot kronk labbit

Well…this is interesting. Apparently, Kidrobot was set to release Kronk’s Yankee Pig Dog Labbit: Biological Warfare Edition, but there were some production issues that weren't caught until they received the stock. Rather than just trying to pass it off to the customers, they've dropped the price on this 7" Labbit.

The Biological Warfare Edition is military green and wears a toxic pink, beige, and lime uniform. It's limited to only 300 pieces worldwide and will sell for $69.00 (down from $100). Your first shot at picking one up will be at New York Comic Con on October 14th 2011.

What are your thoughts? Is 31% off enough of a discount for a product that is admitedly flawed? What about $5.00 over production cost? Or maybe just not released a subpar quality figure...?

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